
Managed to get both Rude’s Gloves and his Enhanced Leather Gloves! Also lots of Cid’s stuff so I guess I really should use him from time-to-time…

Yay, congrats! ^^ Now you have a complete Rude, his earth+ BSB looks quite interesting and proshellga + last stand is icing on the cake. Aaah I wanted Rude’s Gloves so much, but I only pulled his enhanced ones with some other junk I’m never going to use alone, so I guess my whole Shinra team is staying on the bench. Sad.

On a positive note, Elena’s Rookie Turk was surprisingly cute. I was expecting a mere explosion or something like that, but it turned out really fun to watch. I managed to take a screenshot in the middle of this mess:


Poor Rude. And I thought secret agents were supposed to keep a low profile (:

FFVII D&D 5e – Gaea Divided


As promised, much awaited, here’s all the background you need to know to hop into the world of my upcoming FFVII-based D&D game!

It’s been two centuries since meteorfall.  

Seeing the end come down from the sky can have a profound impact on a species.  In the years immediately following the near-catastrophe, Reeve Tuesti’s World Regenesis Organization (WRO) worked tirelessly to restore what had been lost.  Never short of volunteers for its relief efforts, the WRO treated the sick, housed refugees, and sought out new sources of mako-free power.  As they repaired, repurposed, and rebuilt, they naturally grew to fill the void left by the collapse of ShinRa.  Under their benevolent leadership, access to technology gradually crept to even the most rural corners of globe, and quality of life improved.  Swept up in optimism, and guided by the examples of people like Barret Wallace, Yuffie Kisaragi, and Nanaki, the people put their faith in the WRO, and the whole of Gaea came together under the WRO’s governance in unprecedented unity.

And then… those people died.  Or at least Barret and Yuffie did, Reeve and even the lesser known heroes of the Jenova War.  And without those icons to hold the pieces together, they began to come apart.

But as the WRO’s authority fractured and faltered, the enduring ShinRa company came to their rescue.  New ShinRa, in spite of their infamous past, continued to advance the progress begun by the WRO.  Their earnest efforts won them the support of some, but only deepened suspicion of others.  After one term too many was won by a New ShinRa executive, Wutai threatened seperation, and, unwilling to lose their strongest allies, the WRO asked their New ShinRa-affiliated members to step down… which was about when a few decades’ worth of reports showing New ShinRa’s early financial backing of the WRO (without which it would not have been able to exist) were mysteriously revealed to the public.

These brief years of turbulence marked the beginning of of a century of bitter rivalry.  Present day Gaea is split in two.  Large portions of both the Eastern and Western continents consistently support New ShinRa, while limited areas of the both, as well as the Northern Continent and the islands in the Southern sea refuse to recognize their authority and chose, instead to join Wutai in secession, though they kept the WRO name for themselves. 

While the two sides are not at war, tension and prejudice still runs high between them.  Over the decades they spent in competition with eachother, the tenuous harmony the world enjoyed began to resemble barely-controlled chaos, with some places becoming more chaotic than others.  By now, the negative effects the schism caused for the people of Gaea have grown more severe than either side can afford to ignore any longer.  The game begins when New ShinRa extends an offer of cooperation to the WRO for their mutual benefit… and amazingly, the WRO accepts.  Both sides have agreed to send their best and brightest to New ShinRa HQ in Edge where a mission awaits – a trial run to see if even this limited allegiance is viable.  If you’re successful, you may very well become the bridge that brings the world back together… or at the very least, you’ll all keep your jobs.

So that’s a lot… and if all of the political machinations in there just straight up bores the crap out of you, FEAR NOT!  This is just the setup to establish the present state of the world… the actual content of the campaign will be shaped around your interests as much as I can manage it.  But that’s a conversation for a later time.  For now, a few more explicitly established details under the cut!

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